
For chat about the current tour.
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Fashion Flusher
Fashion Flusher
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Location: Glasgow


Post by del » Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:08 am

24hrs to go. Can't afford to do any other uk gigs this year but this will do. 45 years since Alice first came to Glasgow and I wasn't allowed to go at age 12. 35 years since he came to Glasgow for the second time and I saw him for the first time, magical. Seen him every time I could since then and only missed one Glasgow visit as I was working abroad. Made up for that with London that year though.

Ticketing shambles aside this is going to be wonderful. The chance to see the ACG is something I never imagined and in a way still can't believe it will happen. Think I'll just be standing there taking it all in for their set. Awesome.. The current group is immense and easily the best of what I've seen over the years. Both groups on the same night will be perfect..absolutely perfect.

I've been winding up for this for days by playing the favourites which keep changing around as they always have but for me the first song I ever heard was Schools Out being played on Top of The Pops and that's the last song I ever want to hear as it sums up why I love this man so much. There are a dozen other songs I want to hear which won't get played tomorrow but as soon as the lights go down I won't care. It will be an honour to be there to watch someone who is still kickin ass more than just about anyone else and who has reminded us that he can still turn out a great new song or two.

I'll be around the pubs in the Hydro area from lunchtime getting into the zone and picking up the atmosphere. My wife will be at my side as she often has in the past. She will be remarking on how much my personality changes before an Alice gig and how I loose myself completely when the show starts. She and our two friends will probably loose me for a while while I chat to anyone who looks like a serious Alice fan, or chat to anyone who looks like he isn't a fan and try and change his mind!

Si, thanks for keeping this site going. It's great to be a little part of the community. To anyone else going tomorrow or any other night in the UK, have a great time. It won't last forever and it's brilliant while it's still going!

Now, which shirt to wear......

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Dada God
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Re: Glasgow

Post by dadascot » Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:25 am

We are coming in a big group! Me and the mrs, I will be wearing a special forces t-shirt and a leather jacket, my mate who has blonde hair and glasses, the 14 year old who looks like sheldon Cooper and my grown up daughter and her partner so if you see us, the name is graeme, please say hi!

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Dada God
Dada God
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Re: Glasgow

Post by dadascot » Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:26 am

Oooops, and my son who is thirty and 6'4 so can't be missed!

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Re: Glasgow

Post by alan1958 » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:48 pm

Another great Alice gig in Glasgow ...That band are perfect , and Alice really is in great voice ...

Far too many highlights to mention , but just to add to the others mentioned ...

Alice conducting the band during Halo Of Flies wearing black tails and top hat , waving a baton ..... Simple , yet utterly brilliant ...funny and as cool as hell ....

Seeing Dennis doing his trademark high kicks xxx

But probably most of all is the sheer enjoyment Nita Strauss brings to every second she's on stage ....

and it's not just because she's good looking ...

Orianthi was also good looking , yet she spent most of the shows with that long dour face , looking as if someone had just farted in her general direction ...

From what I've seen she did the same with Jacko .......

Nita Strauss is a FAR better foil for Alice ....

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